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Nihari ramen – Another pineapple-on-pizza heresy?

Ever heard of strange food combinations? A blend of two cultures can either be a hit or a miss. Recently, nihari ramen has been taking over social media with folks debating as to whether this unique dish is the next big thing or a culinary crime.
A social media trend that began in Pakistan, this fusion blend has been all over the internet with many people sharing videos of their attempts at recreating the dish.
Some people say that fusion foods ruin the authenticity of said cultural foods. Others feel as though a blend of two separate dishes into one ruins the flavour of both foods and so the thought of nihari being mixed into ramen sounds like a nightmare for them.
But do not let that push you away in disgust just yet! Many think that the nihari ramen is a wonderful creation and should be tried out at least once. Sure, they are two completely different dishes from separate cultures, but the mix of spicy savoury nihari mixed with salty ramen might be just the thing for anyone craving a new unique mix.
Perhaps, the nihari ramen is a great way of incorporating “deshi” dishes into everyday meals. Enjoyers of deshi food can devour their usual favourites alongside dishes from different places around the world, where they can grow a newfound love for different cultures alongside theirs.
So, what is your take on this food debate? Would you give nihari ramen a chance, or do you think some cultural dishes should be left alone?
